Monday, 6 October 2008

Type casting ... and Bette Davis

Fun little item on the BBC website today about how typefaces are chosen for movie posters. Sebastian Lester, a typeface designer, runs through the typographic design rationales for a whole host of movie campaigns, including the soon to be released Quantum of Solace (Marc Forster, UK/USA, 2008).

Here's some of what Lester has to say about the poster for that movie:
The [Neutraface] typeface used in the new James Bond poster has its roots in the early 20th Century and the architectural lettering styles of that period […]. Geometric fonts like this have a sense of efficiency and modernity about them which is universally appealing.

Bette Davis fans are currently celebrating the centenary year of her birth on April 5, 1908, but today is the anniversary of that great actor's death in 1989. I thought I'd mark the occasion by providing a short webliography of related scholarly and other online resources of note.
Film Studies For Free will be back imminently with a post on online, open-access, graduate film and media studies journals.

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