Thursday, 19 February 2009

'Oscar® Studies' For Free!

Film Studies For Free is almost beside itself with excitement in the run-up to the annual awards ceremony of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. It's seen most of the main nominated films; it's read some of the coolest Oscar® previews (here and here); it has its (digital) digits tightly crossed (almost certainly in vain) for its favourites (and other nominated soft spots: 1 and 2); and it's worked out which live blogging coverage it will follow on that starry, starry night.

So now all it wants is what it always (really, really) wants: to spread relevant free Film Studies knowledge far and wide. Here goes, then, with a (mostly for-fun) round-up of online 'Oscar Studies' and other related resources of note, including, for the first time in FSFF's limited but noble history, a somewhat scary number of medical links:

Also see: Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences Teacher’s Guide Series

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