Two events in particular provoked Film Studies For Free's posting, today, of a webliography of openly accessible, online material about Third Cinema and anti-Eurocentric film culture: the revamping of the website of Michael Chanan, one of the most important anglophone writers on Third Cinema (note the updated page for his online essays and papers and his new blog address); and the publication of a new issue of online film journal Offscreen (volume 13, issue 6), with an article on Third Cinema by Nicola Marzano.
The film-studies links are below, but first, here are links to three essential 'Third Cinema' Manifestos: Julio García Espinosa, 'For an Imperfect Cinema' ; Glauber Rocha, 'Aesthetic of Hunger'; and Fernando Solanas and Octavio Getino, 'Towards a Third Cinema' (Published online courtesy of Revolutionen aus dem Off: EINE RETROSPEKTIVE DES DRITTEN KINOS IM AUFBRUCH, ZEUGHAUSKINO BERLIN, April 18-May 27, 2009)
- Michael Chanan, Cinema in Latin America (1930-1960) and New Cinemas in Latin America (1960-1995)Two chapters on Latin American cinema from The Oxford History of World Cinema, ed. Geoffrey Nowell-Smith, OUP, 1996
- Leonardo García-Pabón, 'The Clandestine Nation: Indigenism and national subjects of Bolivia in the films of Jorge Sanjinés', translated from the Spanish by Maura Furfey, from Jump Cut, no. 44, Fall 2001 (and 2 3 of this essay)
- Julia Lesage, 'The Other Francisco: Creating history', from Jump Cut, no. 30, March 1985, pp. 53-58 and contd. here
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